Sunday, January 09, 2005


Hehe...akhirnye dapat jugak tengok snow. Live. Before nih tengok dalam tv jek. Tapi malasnye nak kuar. Tunggu jalan dah putih dulu laa baru kuar amik gamba. Heh. Jakun gile. Biar ape orang nak kate...first time maa. Jakun tak jakun. Haha...ape aku merepek nih.

Sebenarnye tension duh...dengan exam lagi. Lagi seminggu and I have another 4 cases to revise( 5 including what I was doing just now). Sempat ke??

Yesterday, I went to anatomy lab to do the revision. Then, all my handouts that I brought there dah bau cadaver. huhuuh... pastuh balik tuh, ngadap kom kejap and dah taip entry for 5 Jan. All of the sudden internet tibe2 dc. ilang semue yang aku taip. Huhu, ari tuh tulis resipi chocolate and cheese cakes... malasnye nak taip balik. letak gamba je laa...(gamba from camera Iris)Actually buat chocolate cake nih to bring it to malsoc new year dinner.

Cheese cake tuh plak saje je try buat. Got the latter recipe from Makcik Putri kat Manchester. Maybe I can just copy and paste the recipe from my emel. Here u go:

Blueberry Cheesecake

7 oz digestive biscuits (dihancurkan)
3 oz butter (dicairkan)
Gaulkan bhn2 di atas utk base cheesecake, masukkan dlm springfoam 9 inch. Masukkan dlm fridge = 20 min

200g x 3 Philadelphia cream cheese
1 cup castor sugar
3 biji telur
2 tsp esen vanilla
1/4 tsp almond essence
1 tub kecil sour cream

Beat cream cheese + gula + telur + esen vanilla + esen almond + sour cream. Tuang dlm acuan tadi. Masak dlm oven 180 C selama 1 jam. Biar dlm oven sampai sejuk tapi biar pintu oven terbuka. Bila dah sejuk, tuang blueberry filling* ke atas cheese.

We used other brand of cream cheese, and yogurt instead of sour cream. Tak letak almond essence. And tak buat filling pon. All due to the not being able to find the ingredients at netto. hehe, malas dah nak gi kedai lain cari. But it turned out fine though. So if u have free time....try laa. Gune the original recipe from Makcik Putri sure lagi sedap.

ok iffa...pegi sambung stadi skang!!!

*rindunye cheese cake Puan Raha

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