Sunday, June 26, 2005


Please do not assume that I am exaggerating this, but a week in Malaysia...I am not yet recovering from my jetlag. Yup, I am still living in UK time. Went to bed at 12 last night coz promised to meet Ija at MAS office today. But I couldn't sleep at all. The last time I glanced at the alarm clock on the table, it was 3.24 a.m. Not sure what time did I fall asleep after that.

Remembering the times when I first arrived in Newcastle last year. It took me more than a week to sleep at 'normal' time again. It was my first time experiencing the lag in time, as it was my first time travelling oversea. I slept at 9, or 8 probably; and woke up at three (or maybe two) in the morning. It was so cold (haven't bought my precious underblanket taht time), and I kept trying to sleep (but kept waking up again and again) so that at least I will have enough sleep and avoid that bad habit of sleeping in the class (or should I call it lecture by now?) Then, I managed to adapt myself, and had my day and night returned to a normal circle based on UK time.

The difference between the present jetlag and the past one is that in the latter, I had always tried to make myself sleep at times that my brain perceived as night. As for now, I don't really mind staying up late at night and waking up a BIT late in the morning coz nothing waited for me the next day. Except for today. Like I said before, coz I had promised Ija to meet her.

The point is... I don't really know what am I trying to say here. But anyway. The point is, when you know that you have a responsibility lying ahead, ie when you are always aware of your responsibility (in my case, it was the promise I made), you will always try to work towards it, doing things that you should do. The problem with us is that sometimes, we can't really see what our responsiblities are. We always forget our biggest responsibilities on the earth. If we are always aware of those... then things would be so much different, I believe. (Watched Star Wars last night, =P hehe)

"Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or blind or lame), and those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward". [4;95]

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Tiap-tiap hari gune internet, gune komputer. Tapi taktau kenape malas nak update. Padahal selalu je terpikir nak update. Banyak rasenye nak tulis. Tapi itulaa...malas. MALAS. Isk isk isk...bile la nak rajin.

Alhamdulillah, selamat sampai kat Malaysia 16 Jun yang lalu. Stay KL 2 hari, pastuh baru balik terengganu... Seronok nak sampai rumah. Lame tak nampak signboard dalam bahasa melayu. Lame tak nampak signboard "Islam Hadhari Terengganu Bestari". Alhamdulillah dah pendek sket journey sebab dah ade highway baru. Tapi bile highway tuh nak masuk trg?? Lame tak dengar kisah2 highway nih.

Anyway. Finally, terase jugak kepanasan terik matahari kat negara tropika tanah tumpah darah nih. Memang panas. Lame dah tak rase panas camni. Balik rumah kalo buleh nak pasang aircond jek 24 hours, tapi mengenangkan mahal, takleh la pasang tiap2 ari. Selang satu hari ok jugak =) Hmm...belum lagi panas akhirat.

Rase cam ade banyak benda nak tulis, tapi tak ingat. Teringat the next day sampai KL, bace paper...buleh cakap culture shock ke? Two great news in the front page. 1st, pasal artis-artis yang kene tangkap pasal dadah. Mungkin tak heran sangat, sebab dulu pon dah penah dengar. 2nd, jarum dan kondom diedar percuma untuk penagih dadah? Wah wah wah...seronok la penagih dadah yer? Tak payah susah-susah dah *sigh*

Sekarang tengah dengar lagu Alarm Me. Adakah Kau Lupa.

Adakah kau lupa
Kita pernah berjaya
Adakah kau lupa
Kita pernah berkuasa

Memayungi dua pertiga dunia
Merentas benua melayar samudera
Keimanan juga ketaqwaan
Rahsia mereka capai kejayaan

Bangunlah wahai anak bangsa
Kita bina kekuatan jiwa
Tempuh rintangan perjuangan

Gemilang generasi yang silam
Membawa arus perubahan
Keikhlasan hati dan nurani
Ketulusan jiwa mereka berjuang

Sejarah telah mengajar kita
Budaya Islam di serata dunia
Membina tamadun berjaya
Merubah mengangkat maruah

Teringat kata-kata PM kite dulu; "Melayu mudah lupa".

Tengah cakap-cakap dengan sorang kawan, die bukak topik pasal LUPA. Kadang-kadang kita selalu jugak salahkan lupa. Terlupa itu, terlupa ini. Tapi kalau takde, susah jugak. Maybe kita akan selalu duk bersedih jek. Sebab selalu ingat waktu arwah nenek kesayangan meninggal. Selalu ingat waktu mende2 sedih menimpa kita. So, lupa juga adalah nikmat dari Allah. Cuma yang sedihnya, ada benda2 yang cepat sangat kita lupa.

Sahabat: Kisah tsunami hari tuh pon sekejap je sedar. Sekarang dah tak ingat. Nih sebut baru nak ingat balik. (lebih kurang camnih aa dialog die, TAK INGAT sangat la)

Huhu...aku pon, kalo tak sebut balik, sure dah terlupe. Balik Malaysia nih, cube tanye balik, berape ramai yang masih lagi gerun dengan bencana alam 26 dec ari tuh? Kalo dulu selalu dengar "isk...takutnya", "isk...bahayanya", "tulaa...bala. Banyak sangat maksiat kat sana". Sekarang? Tsunami ke...tsumawi? Huhuhu

Kita memang mudah lupa.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Pejam celik pejam celik, dah habis 1st year blaja Medic. Duk imbas balik 1 tahun ni, macam2 dah jadi. Teringat dulu...

1. Sedih sangat sebab tak dapat offer mane2 university nak buat medic. Memang sedih dan sedih dan sedih. Tak tahu nak describe dah. Parents pon bimbang. Dulu abang nak gi oversea pon, tak dapat fly. Sebab ekonomi meleset. Ari tu, bimbang kalau2 takde uni nak terima, mane plak nak apply kat Malaysia ni. Tak faham jugak apesal la Malaysia uni tak accept a level yerk... Anyway, rupenye, kalau tengok balik banyak hikmahnya. Kes abang dulu, memangla susah dah abes buat preparation course kat Maktab Sains MARA, Perak (kalau tak silap), pastu sebab takleh fly, kene start balik. Berape kali kene hantar kat mane2 uni ntah. Kate orang, cam pelajar terbuang pulak. Akhirnya, bile ditempatkan kat UNITEN, baru la stable, and alhamdulillah, he completed his degree there. Although kawan2 die dah ramai pon yang keje time tuh, ade yang dah pakai kereta kot. Aku pon tak berape ingat sangat. Kanak2 lagi time tuh. But hikmahnya, although lambat habiskan degree, alhamdulillah sangat, die senang dapat kerja. Mungkin tuh rezeki die. Dengar kata bukan senang accountant nak dapat kerja skarang.

Kes sendiri plak, memang dah banyak kali pon citer kot, kalo uni lain tak reject my applications, I won't be offered to come here in Newcastle. Suke sangat dah duk kat sini. Best2. Sape2 yang tau ade orang nak datang sambung study kat UK nih, datangla uni of Newcastle... hehe, sempat promote lagi. Anyway. Kesimpulannye, memang Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita.

"....Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui" [al-Baqarah:216]

2. Lepas habis A level, tak lekat pon kat rumah. Baru je balik umah, papa kene heart attack, masuk CCU. Aku plak kene pegi KL balik pasal ade psychological course for JPA students. Pastuh ade itu la, ini laa... macam2. Memang ulang alik pegi KL je la time tuh. Pastuh problem nak fly plak. Dengan terkejutnya dapat call suh fly esok hari. Isk2, panic sungguh. Naik la flight pegi KL satu famili. Sebab papa dah takleh drive jauh2. (That was the first time aku naik kapal terbang. Orang lain ie my famili semue dah penah naik. Huhu...Ingatkan my first flight would be the international one). Sekali visa tak siap jugak, JPA suh tunggu lagi brape ari ntah, parents kene balik trg sebab keje, aku pon stay KL jek. Nak balik karang, gile mahal la plak. Penat dah pon ulang alik KL KT. Kesian sungguh time tuh. Rase menyusahkan orang betul nak fly. Rase cam nak nasihat adik2 tak payah la study oversea nanti. Time datang UK, semester dah pon start (luckily for this year the term will start a bit later, on the 26th Sep), ade laa tertinggal beberape hari lecture. Pastuh tension pikir, apesal aku tak duk uni accommodation, apesal duk kat umah. Tapi rasenye, ade hikmahnya duk kat rumah ni. Like I said, Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-Nya.

3. Dah abis rupenye segala exam dan assignments for stage 1. Oh ye, alhamdulillah, for our final stage 1 exam kat Newcastle nih (medic), everybody in the study group passed. And one got Merit, walaupon tak cakap pon kat aku...congratulations!! Next year go for distinction lak k. At least ade pendorong, semangat sket. And for stage 2 examination, our Malaysian senior Su Ann won a prize- which indicated her as best student for her stage. If she can, why not us?? Hehe, camnih la, habes exam, dah lega pass, semangat. Harap2 tak pudar. Teringat before kuar result memang horror. Bimbang kalo2 kene viva. Bimbang kalo2 kene resit. Sebab soalan memang susah. Tapi study memang dah study, although dah 1 week before exam, main2 jugak laa, asyik tido n main game kat henpon jek, mebbe sebab dah otak dah tepu campur homesick. But thanks a lot to study group, at least gerak jugak la otak bincang ngan derang. So memang lepas jawab exam tinggal tawakkal je.

Tapi sebab dah biase, kuar jek exam nak cakap susah. Teringat ade sahabat nih cakap "Kite nih kadang2 suke sangat sangka buruk kat Allah. Baru je kuar exam, dah cakap, faillah aku kali, habislah aku kali ni...bukan ke tuh jadi doa??". Erk, terkena jugak la. Memang elak cakap mende merepek lepas abes paper ari tuh. Cume, susah la nak lari dari komplen paper tuh susah. Tapi alhamdulillah, sayangnye Tuhan kat aku, pass jugak. Memang doa je yang tolong. Mimpi macam2 hari nak dapat viva list. Horror betul. Bangun tidur, "peluh jeruk" - kate orang teranung kite la. Ade mimpi pass. Ade mimpi fail. Mimpi dapat viva merit distinction pon ade. Hehe. InsyaAllah next years for the latter one. Ameen...

Anyway, cube pikir jap. Kite slalu jek berdoa nak dapat A. Or maybe in my case nak dapat pass or merit or even distinction (why not anyway). Tapi kite kene ingat Allah lagi tahu ape yang terbaik untuk kita. Patutnye, doa kite jadi: Ya Allah, permudahkan lah aku nak dapat distinction kalau itu yang terbaik untuk aku. Ameen. Sebabnye, mane la tahu dengan dapat distinction this year menjadikan kite rase terer dan malas dah nak belajar next year, pastuh terbantut cite2 nak buat medic. Nauzubillah. Cume nak tekannye di sini, memang macam tu la konsepnya. Sebab kite memang la nak jadi doktor, n we work for it, and after that, serahkan je kat Allah. Yakin pada ketentuan-Nya. Pasti ade hikmah kalau tak terjadi ape yang kite nak. Yakin bahawa Allah tak akan bebankan kita dengan ape yang kita tak mampu.

4. Ari tuh, sibuk nak beli tiket balik Mesia. Esok dah nak balik.

5. Awal2 datang dulu, takdela homesick sangat. Tapi klimaks homesick was just before final exam. Memang ingat nak balik jek. Tuh yang malas nak stadi. Or mebbe stadi tak masuk, so malas nak stadi.

6. Dulu duk sibuk pikir mane nak letak barang, mane nak stay next year. Skang dah 95% kosong bilik tuh. Credits sket : Thanks to 112 dilston road - Kak Ina, Kak Farah n Kak Shaf sebab bagi kami tumpang barang kat sane. Hehe, berkotak2 barang. Thanks to Kak Jua and Poknik n his housemates tolong punggah barang, angkut pi umah derg. And of coz thanks to my housemates yang bergotong royong bersihkan rumah.

7. Banyaklaa mende2 lain.

Hmm...itu la. Pejam celik, pejam celik. Dah nak balik Malaysia semula. Sekejap jek rasenye mase berlalu. Umur pon dah naik 21 kan. Muhasabah diri balik, ilmu tak banyak pon. Makin banyak belajar, makin banyak benda yang tak tahu. Dalam setahun nih, berape banyak la agaknye dah sumbangkan something untuk agama. Dalam setahun nih jugak, macam2 kes dah wujud. Kes Aminah Wadud, kes Jeslina Hashim, kes Ahmad Hafizal, kes Prince Harry, kes buang quran dalam toilet, kes Zouks, kes ape lagi yer?? Macam2 lagi la. Tepuk dada, tanyelah hati...tersentuh ke tak kite agaknye bile bace kes2 yang lebih kurang camni?

Anyway. =) Tomorrow before 7 will be my last moment in Newcatle til next term starts, or should I say just right before going to tour the Europe?? Hehe =D . Schedule for tomorrow:

7.00 a.m : Mega bus Newcastle to central London
3.00 p.m : National express central London to Heathrow terminal 3
7.05 p.m : MAS London to KLIA (via Langkawi)

Total journey = approximately 7 hrs + 40 mins + 13 hrs = about 21 hours. Bundarkan jadi 1 day of travelling. What an exhasuting journey, I supposed but hopefully it won't be that tiring after all. But anyway, it's worth it coz insyaAllah, i'm gonna be in Malaysia in a FEW hours!! Mudah2an semue berjalan lancar dan selamat, ameen...

P/S: For contact numbers in Malaysia, insyaAllah still gune no handphone lame kat Malaysia dulu and no umah dah tukar telekom so pakai no baru. Nanti post kat friendster.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Two days ago, invited Kak Noorul and Kak Wani for a lunch at our house. Menu: Nasi Bukhari and puding jagung. Nampak gaye, nasi bukhari dah improved, takdelah nasi menjadi bubur cam first time buat. Hehe...gamble jek, dah la jemput orang. Sori laa yer akak2 jadi bahan eksperimen kami. Dalca Ija...dah mantap, buleh bukak kedai dah encik tuh. And Iris was there as well, we were trying an egg tart recipe. Very nice. I'll put the recipe later.

Having Kak Wani and Kak Noorul here meant having Newcastle babies - Nuha and Danish...tengokla derg comel tak?

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Baby Danish was born at the age of 36 weeks gestation, weighing only 2.6kg. Was babysitting him last friday, when he was 2 weeks old, or should I say 38 weeks gestation, if he was still using the oxygen from his mother's blood. Alhamdulillah sihat jek Danish, although he seems to have jaundice and he is very small. Hehe, gabra jugak jage Danish ari tuh....1st time duh. Tapi seronok jugak. Comel betul...sejuk hati tengok Nuha ngan Danish....kanak2, suci bersih dari dosa.

I am supposed to check the results at Medical School today. Malasnye nak gerak. Apekah??Orang Islam takleh malas2. Besok pegi cek, insyaAllah...

OK. Recipe time. Kalo rajin buat laa, kami dah eksperimen dah.


Crust pastry:
250g cold butter
50 icing sugar
1 egg yolk
360g plain flour
2 tbsp custard powder

310ml hot water
230g castor sugar
1 tbsp evaporated milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
6 eggs

Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 C.

Have been trying to attach a picture from that day, but don't know what's wrong with photobucket. Or probably the internet is so slow - have downgraded telewest package to the cheapest one since we're going back to Malaysia soon. Yup, Malaysia....I'm coming back!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005


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Baru berkesempatan nak transferkan gambar from handphone to laptop Ija nih.Ini gambar mase snow dulu, cantik kan awan tuh??subhanallah...tapi kamera handphone jek, so tak clear sangat. 1.3 megapixel je (dalam handphone nampak lg cantik dr yang dah transfer, mebbe sebab screen pon kecik)

Nih sure terinfluence by Asma'...huuh. Nak letak gambar Nuha yang comel tembam gile tuh and Danish too, tapi kene mintak permission dulu. Kalo dapat, bolehla korang tengok camne temba si cerdik tuh =)