Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Two days ago, invited Kak Noorul and Kak Wani for a lunch at our house. Menu: Nasi Bukhari and puding jagung. Nampak gaye, nasi bukhari dah improved, takdelah nasi menjadi bubur cam first time buat. Hehe...gamble jek, dah la jemput orang. Sori laa yer akak2 jadi bahan eksperimen kami. Dalca Ija...dah mantap, buleh bukak kedai dah encik tuh. And Iris was there as well, we were trying an egg tart recipe. Very nice. I'll put the recipe later.

Having Kak Wani and Kak Noorul here meant having Newcastle babies - Nuha and Danish...tengokla derg comel tak?

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Baby Danish was born at the age of 36 weeks gestation, weighing only 2.6kg. Was babysitting him last friday, when he was 2 weeks old, or should I say 38 weeks gestation, if he was still using the oxygen from his mother's blood. Alhamdulillah sihat jek Danish, although he seems to have jaundice and he is very small. Hehe, gabra jugak jage Danish ari tuh....1st time duh. Tapi seronok jugak. Comel betul...sejuk hati tengok Nuha ngan Danish....kanak2, suci bersih dari dosa.

I am supposed to check the results at Medical School today. Malasnye nak gerak. Apekah??Orang Islam takleh malas2. Besok pegi cek, insyaAllah...

OK. Recipe time. Kalo rajin buat laa, kami dah eksperimen dah.


Crust pastry:
250g cold butter
50 icing sugar
1 egg yolk
360g plain flour
2 tbsp custard powder

310ml hot water
230g castor sugar
1 tbsp evaporated milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
6 eggs

Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 C.

Have been trying to attach a picture from that day, but don't know what's wrong with photobucket. Or probably the internet is so slow - have downgraded telewest package to the cheapest one since we're going back to Malaysia soon. Yup, Malaysia....I'm coming back!!

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