Thursday, April 28, 2005



Would like to respond to Aisyah's latest entry. She is absolutely right. Islam is the way of life. All the rules underline the human nature. Actually I always felt the same way as she did. Sad with my own weakness of not being able to explain to the non-muslims about how Islam deal with those kind of 'social' problems.

There was one day when I had a seminar, discussing about breaching confidentiality. We were given a case about a woman with HIV. One of the Q was 'is telling the public about how HIV can be transmitted through the heterosexual relationship good enough so that people become aware of the health condition of their partners before having sexual intercourse?'(considering the confidentiality issue coz a doc can't directly say "this woman got HIV"). One of my groupmates looked vastly into this Q, and found it hard because so many people will be involved, not only her partners, but the partners of her partners, and then her partners' partners' partners' (heh, buleh ke camni?), then so on... Good. That is why Islam does not permit sex before marriage. Say a married woman is infected, then the only person to be worried of would be her husband. No need to worry about the public. Easy. As simple as that.

There was another day, very recent one - guess it was a week ago....when we were having a seminar about handling sensitive issues. One case was about a lesbian couple, one of them would like to have a child. And the question was what options does she have? As usual...I became so damn quiet during the discussion with smaller group. And obviously much more quiet when I was grouped in with 3 guys discussing about that sensitive issues. Looking for the answer...sperm donation, IVF probably and....this one guy answered 'men'! God why didn't I think of that? But he was absolutely right. That woman in the case should really go back to the human nature and that is the best solution. Why must think of harder options when there is a straight simple solution?

Dah datang tempat orang nih, banyak benda yang bukak mata kita. Banyak benda yang belajar. I think I will never know how to cook nasi lemak if I don't come here. I might never feel how lucky I am to be born as a muslim.


Hehe...silly me. I was walking home from Royal Mail at South Street just now, and suddenly I chose the road I never used before. Thought it might be shorter, but believe's not. I walked extra 30 minutes than I supposed to (if I use the normal path). One hour walking and I am so damn tired. Mase tengah jalan2 tadi tuh terfikir, kadang2 kita nih ade jalan senang nak jugak gune jalan susah. Bagus sebenarnye nak tahu jalan baru tapi, biarlah kene. Ini dah tahu takde mase, lepas tuh nak pegi Netto, nak stadi, kalo sesat penat... nak jugak ikut jalan susah yang taktau hujungnya macammane. Tapi tujuan same, nak sampai kat rumah. Applicable tak kalo letak dalam hidup kite orang Islam. Islam dah kasi kite jalan senang, Islam as the way of life. Yang sedih kadang2 kite tak sedar kite gune jalan yang susah, yang jauh, yang tak tahu pangkalnye buleh sampai ke tak ke syurga. Padahal kalo tanye semue muslims, everybody else indeed, semue nak masuk syurga. Heh, membebel...takpe, peringatan untuk semue, especially yang tukang menulis nih laa...

Anyway, sampai rumah tadi, penat. Makan nasi lemak, pastuh melantak aiskrim ngan roti...nyum2...dah abes...pastuh alhamdulillah kenyang perut, penat kaki, kalo naik bilik nampak katil, for sure rase nak tido. Which is why I am sitting in front of this computer and started playing my fingers on this keyboard a few minutes ago.

And so, here it ends. Dah masuk Asar, at least I manage not to sleep and wait for Asar. And hopefully I shared a nice thing with you guys.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005



Finally!! I have been able to put in 2 copies of my assignment 4 into the - wut do u call it?? - the post box, i supposed... No more assignment for stage 1 and now, I can concentrate on my studies. Exam is just a few weeks away, and god, i have nothing in my head!

A bit of peringatan untuk kaum lelaki dan kaum wanita sendiri...

4 golongan lelaki yang ditarik oleh perempuan ke neraka

Pertama:- Ayahnya
Apabila seseorang yang bergelar ayah tidak memperdulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia. Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji dan sebagainya. Dia membiarkan anak-anak perempuannya tidak menutup aurat.....tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya memberi kemewahan dunia sahaja maka dia akan ditarik oleh anaknya.

Kedua:- Suaminya
Apabila seorang suami tidak memperdulikan tindak tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat, memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yang bukan mahram, apabila suami mendiam diri......walaupun dia seorang alim (solat tidak tangguh, puasa tidak tinggal) maka dia akan ditarik oleh isterinya.

Ketiga:- Abang-abangnya
Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada, tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh ke pula abang-abangnya.....jikalau mereka hanya mementing keluarganya sahaja dan adik perempuannya dibiar melencong dari ajaran ISLAM ....tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat.

Keempat:- Anak Lelakinya
Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yang haram dari islam, maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertangungjawabkan di akhirat kelak.......nantikan tarikan ibunya.

Maka kita lihat bertapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah di akhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat...maka kaum lelaki yang bergelar ayah / suami / abang atau anak harus memainkan peranan mereka yang sebenar tidak silap firman ALLAH S.W.T.:-


Not trying to be sexism here. Cume sebagai peringatan. Muslimin kene sedar betape banyak tanggungjawab derg. Muslimat pulak kene sedar betape senang nak tarik orang masuk neraka, maksudnye, kalo dah senang nak tarik orang lain, diri sendiri ape lagi??

Hmm... Allah jadikan sesuatu siap dengan tugas skali. Tak ade laki ke pompuan yang lg superior. Kalo nak bincang pasal isu laki pompuan taksame rate, tak wujud pon sbenarnye. Tengok kes Aminah wadud dulu la. InsyaAllah boleh amik iktibar. Adil nih maksudnye meletakkan sesuatu pade tempatnye. Not necessarily same ie laki buat tuh pompuan pon buleh. Abis tuh, pompuan pakai baju kurung, laki kene pakai baju kurung laa camtuh??

Ok. Ade lecture dah. Gotta go. Salam.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Hmmm...kadang2 takut kalo tibe2 banyak plak rezeki yang dapat...

Mase trip pegi Paris ngan rakan2 seperjuangan dulu...

(Aisyah ade £100++)
Iffa: Aisyah, ape kate ko invest laa kat aku duit tuh sket, nnt ko datang UK amik balik. Buleh gak aku gune duit tuh bayar sewa umah bulan April. Ko bukannye gune pon duit pound kat Ireland...
Aisyah: Boleh, Aisyah tak kisah...

Hmmm. Setel prob nak bayar umah. Sayang Aisyah!(hehe, nak kasi Asma' jeles nih)

Balik dr Paris setel tapi bills tak cukup nih...tapi takpelaa. Ade laa tuh jalannye.

Mase Iris datang umah sebab rikki road flat takde air...

Iris: Do u know we've got the 10% percent increase?
Iffa: Really? (dengan pantas sekali gerak ke bilik Ninie bukak online banking)

Alhamdulillah, setel bills.

Ade kawan kat US nak balik Malaysia. Nak pesan camera canon kat sane lagi murah. Duit tak cukup jugak. Tapi nak tunggu JPA masuk untuk May tak sempat pulak.

Ija: Iffa nak pinjam duit Ija tak? Ari tuh cakap nak pinjam.
Iffa: Eh takpe. Cukup dah duit nak bayar umah. Banyak pulak rezeki...tapi kan...(terus cerite pasal camera tuh)
Ija: Pinjam je la duit Ija dulu, nanti susah dah nak pesan.
Iffa: Hmm...nanti banyak pulak kene pinjam. Segan dah. (heh, ngan Ija pon segan)
Ija: Takpe. Banyak lagi duit Ija dalam bank. Baik Iffa pakai dulu. Ija tak gune pon lagi.
Iffa: Hehe, buleh jugak. Nanti JPA dah masuk Iffa terus bayar k?
Ija: Takyah bimbang2.
Iffa: Heh, orang kaye aa katekan

Akhirnye, dah pesan beli camera. To Ija, nanti Iffa bayar k.

A few days ago, kat cluster, time tengah nak print 1st draft of biopsychosocial report...walaupon actually dah agak takde printing credit pon. Tapi nak print jugak. Sekali, taktau nak senyum ke ape...tapi memang senyum la kan. Bagitau Ija pasal citer nih mase kat Muslim Welfare House...

Iffa: Ija, Iffa tak tahu laa apesal banyak sangat rezeki dapat.
Ija: Kenape? Ape pulak yang dapat kali ni?
Iffa: (senyum) Hehe...tibe2 printing credit iffa cam baru top up 10 pound.
Ija: Eh?
Iffa: Tu laa, besenye kalo betul Iffa top up tapi tak ingat pon, at least takdela sampai 10 pound. Paling banyak pon 5 pound jek.
Ija: Waa...untung laa Iffa...
Iffa: Huhuh...memang nak suh print assignment la tuh
Ija: (Gelak kuat)Iffa bace doa ape nih? Asyik dapat rezeki je? Bes..bes
Iffa: Doa? Takdelah.Isk..kadang2 takut pulak dapat rezeki banyak2 nih...ntah ape dugaan kat depan nanti. Tapi syukur sangat2...

The reason Ija tanye dapat ape pulak KALI NI tuh adelah kerana ari tuh dapat email pasal elaun buku tuh and last thursday ade dapat keje pegi buat survey kat metrocentre, kene isi je survey tuh then buleh dapat 10 pound although duit tuh habes buat beli coklat kat ASDA jek lepas tuh...

Huhu...luas sungguh limpahan rezeki Allah...tuh baru duitan semate2. cop, bukan duit pon, rezeki selalu dapat kesenangan, takyah banyak pikir...belum lagi kalo nak pikir kesihatan, akal etc. Tapi banyak mane agaknye kite bersyukur kat tuhan ye?

P/S: pinjam duit orang taksame ngan duit sendiri...tapi duit JPA? Duit rakyat? Huhu, makan gaji bute rupenye, sebab tuh laa kene stadi betul2, jangan hampakan harapan rakyat yang dah penat2 bayar cukai. sebulan RM 2800 cam keje pulak rasenye. Jadi marilah bekerja sebagai seorang student yang berjaye. So ape lagi?? Gerak Iffa!! Jangan asyik main internet jek!!

Cop. Tambah sket before gerak. Kesimpulannye:

1. Seronok kalau ade kawan yang trust kat kite nih. Bukan nak mention pasal duit jek kat sini. Tapi...hmm...camne nak explain aa? Seronok laa, lagi2 kalo sefikrah, sekufu, satu kepale...eheh, takkan due plak yer
2. Pinjam duit orang kene bayar balik. Ingat tuh.
3. Rezeki adelah dari Allah. Hmm..kadang2 Allah kasi rezeki kite nak sangat...tapi yang paling penting, hidayah Allah yang patut kita dambakan. Alangkah baiknya kalau mendambakan hidayah-Nya sebagaimana sukanya kita bile datang limpah rahmat-Nya yang jelas bagi kita?
4. Manusia nih suka kemewahan dunia.
5. Sebenarnye, lagi ade duit lagi rase nak belanje. Kalo takde, pandai je jimat n survive. Dah berape banyak spent for coklat jek...huuh, tapi coklat bes sangat. Papa kate kalo untuk makan, jangan kedekut. Nanti sakit takleh makan dah...hehe, amik nasihat ayah laa camni.
6. Yang dalam P/S kat atas tuh, cube pikir balik. Actually tuh hanyelaa one of the rationale yang kite boleh amik for why kene stadi bebetul...But the most important thing is kite kene stadi sebab Allah, jadikan ia satu ibadah, mengharapkan keredhaanNya. Baru la dapat due2 skali. Belajar kan dituntut dalam Islam.
7. (Tambah sendiri. Nak wat keje dah.)

Friday, April 15, 2005


-----1ST EMAIL-----
From: A JPA student
Subject: RE: Maklumat mengenai kos sara hidup pelajar2 postgaraduate <--- tak relevan sket, probably rentetan from emel sebelumnya)

Setelah lebih 7 bulan berada di UK ini dan tinggal lagi hanya 2 bulan sahaja dalam kalender akademik universiti pelajar2 tajaan pihak Tuan masih lagi belum menerima Elaun buku dan elaun perkakasan yang bernilai GBP162 dan GBP46(minimum) masing-masing. nampaknya elaun tersebut tidak akan dapat mencapai tujuannya kerana tahun akademik sesi 2004/05 hampir berakhir.Bagaimanapun ingin saya ketahui, bilakah elaun tersebut dapat dinikmati? Wassalam

-----2ND EMAIL-----
To: the JPA student,
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:56 PM
Subject: Status Pembayaran Elaun Buku Serta Alat Perkakas Sesi 2004/2005

Cik Asmawati

Perkara yg sama telah dibangkitkan oleh ramai pelajar kita. Biasanya elaun buku dan perkakas dibayar pada awal tahun pengajian dan semasa pelajarmula-mula sampai. Kini sesi pengajian tahun 2004/2005 akan tamat tidak lamalagi. Bolehkah puan dapat memberikan penjelasan sewajarnya serta membantusaya menjawab kepada pelajar2 kita di sini. Terima kasih.

Public Service Department (UK Office)
30-34 Queensborough Terrace
London W2 3ST
Office: 020 7792 9364
Fax: 020 7792 9792

-----3RD EMAIL-----
From: Asmawati" <>
To: JPA LONDON OFFICE";the JPA student
Subject: Re: Status Pembayaran Elaun Buku Serta Alat Perkakas Sesi 2004/2005
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 08:16:26 +0800

En. Saripudin,

Pembayaran elaun alat perkakas dan elaun buku dibayar bersekali dengan ESH akan datang (Mei, Jun, Julai). Sepatutnya elaun-elaun tersebut dibayar pada bulan Ogos tetapi kami telah work out dengan Unit Kewangan & BTM untuk bayar lebih awal. Oleh yang demikian, pelajar akan terima elaun-elaun tersebut pada hujung April ini.

Sekian, harap maklum.

Asmawati Borhan
Training Division
Public Service Department

Tel: 603-88853386
Fax: 603-88892170

-----4TH EMAIL-----
From: the JPA student
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 07:37:39 +0100
Subject: FW: Re: Status Pembayaran Elaun Buku Serta Alat Perkakas Sesi 2004/2005


For JPA STudent only.

Just nak buat pengumuman kat sini...Elaun Buku (GBP162) dan Alat Perkakas (min GBP46) akan dibayar bersama2 dengan Elaun Sara Hidup (Mei, Jun, Julai)hujung bulan April ini. So jgn terkejut plak tetiba duit banyak...and plan ur budget wisely....


KESIMPULAN: Alhamdulillah...ade je rezeki Allah nak kasi bile dah kesuntukan duit nih. Harap2 buleh save simpan buat beli laptop =)

BEARING IN MIND: "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui" [al-Baqarah; 216]

Wednesday, April 13, 2005



It's already a week since I got back from Paris & Cologne trip with all best friends from the former college- Asma', Aisyah & Hajar; and my youngest housemate, Dila. It was sooo nice, but do not feel like telling the whole story here. The most important thing is that it was a really nice trip with them. We are still the same old us, aren't we? Hehe, especially Asma' laa....(haa..nak sangat aku mention name ko banyak2). She was trying to talk in my loghat 'tranung kite', but it turned out to be more like Kelantan, and my god, she influenced us a lot, hasn't she...almost all the time we talk in Kelantan, even Hajar pon. Haha...Although I know we sounds soo sumbang, and I hate to rosakkan loghat Kelantan yang bes tuh....but it was so funny with somebody trying to be soft spoken, so teramik2 watak sinchan menari plak. "Takpo takpo la deh..." (sambil goyang2 kepale). Hehe, can still recall that in my head. Some points to remember (warning: only 5 of us would possibly fully understand these):

1. Of coz that "takpo2 la deh..."
2. Hilang tiket pastuh emo =( <---- huhu...sori guys
3. Ariski (don't know the correct spelling)
4. 20 minutes flight?? Hahaha
5. The only night we spent at Koln
6. Tragedies from Gare Du Nord train station till we reached airport
7. One night at the airport
8. 1 and half day travelling back from Koln to Newcastle <--- what an exhausted journey!

Anyway, again, the trip was so great and I am looking forward to hanging out with them again. Thanks guys! The trip would be much different if u guys were not there! And the credits also go to Lina and Raudhah in Paris to have let us stayed, or in other words, packed ourselves (macam sardin) in your rooms, and even cooked for us! (to syedfa jugak, sebab kalo tak, tak tercontact Lina pon), and to Amiril to be our patient free-charged tour guide, and for all the treats. Thanks.

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Our reunion - Can't believe I am missing my frens already...this is what we call ukhwah rather than fren

Am currently working on my assignment 4; The Family Study Project. Have finished doing the report - 1st draft; with so many things left out and not yet inclusive of reflections...but I already put in 2679 words!! How can they expect us to put EVERYTHING in one small report?? Hmmm...dugaan...InsyaAllah can work through it, and hopefully everything will be fine. Have no idea for the 3rd section yet, coz my study mother is so socially fit and healthy. Sometimes I wonder why do people always go for bad points while we can find out good things? Jangan "suuzzon" (sangke buruk)..hehe, tak kene mengene...So why not I narrate the social construction essay by looking at the positive outcomes?? Hmm...tengokla camne.

Tengah bosan2 n pening2 malas nak sambung buat assignment tadi, found this tongue twister...interesting.

Ned Nott was shot
and Sam Shott was not.
So it is better to be Shott
than Nott.
Some say Nott
was not shot.
But Shott says
he shot Nott.
Either the shot Shott shot at Nott
was not shot,
Nott was shot.
If the shot Shott shot shot Nott,
Nott was shot.
But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott,
then Shott was shot,
not Nott.
the shot Shott shot shot not Shott --
but Nott.

Discussed about qadha and qadar with Aisyah during the trip. the quotes from Aisyah's blog I pasted here before, I think I am beginning to understand more about what she meant. All things has been set for us by God, and we can never change them, no matter what we do. Not even our effort, but we need the effort to get the blessings from Allah, just nak dapat keredhaanNya. Sebab kalau kite tak usaha, the same thing will happen. Hmm...come to this point, I am confused again, ie when considering about studying for exam (any comments?)... But for sure, I am convinced about this one thing: Kita semue tahu Islam akan naik satu hari nanti...insyaAllah. Depend on us nak tergolong dalam golongan yang same2 berusaha menaikkan agama kita, atau tak. Tapi Islam tetap akan naik. Cuma yang ruginya adalah kita kalau taknak terlibat menaikkan agama Allah. So, pilihlah yang mane kite nak...nak tergolong dalam golongan yang rugi atau yang diredhai Allah? Wallahua'lam

[Hmm..too long for an entry =p]