Wednesday, April 13, 2005



It's already a week since I got back from Paris & Cologne trip with all best friends from the former college- Asma', Aisyah & Hajar; and my youngest housemate, Dila. It was sooo nice, but do not feel like telling the whole story here. The most important thing is that it was a really nice trip with them. We are still the same old us, aren't we? Hehe, especially Asma' laa....(haa..nak sangat aku mention name ko banyak2). She was trying to talk in my loghat 'tranung kite', but it turned out to be more like Kelantan, and my god, she influenced us a lot, hasn't she...almost all the time we talk in Kelantan, even Hajar pon. Haha...Although I know we sounds soo sumbang, and I hate to rosakkan loghat Kelantan yang bes tuh....but it was so funny with somebody trying to be soft spoken, so teramik2 watak sinchan menari plak. "Takpo takpo la deh..." (sambil goyang2 kepale). Hehe, can still recall that in my head. Some points to remember (warning: only 5 of us would possibly fully understand these):

1. Of coz that "takpo2 la deh..."
2. Hilang tiket pastuh emo =( <---- huhu...sori guys
3. Ariski (don't know the correct spelling)
4. 20 minutes flight?? Hahaha
5. The only night we spent at Koln
6. Tragedies from Gare Du Nord train station till we reached airport
7. One night at the airport
8. 1 and half day travelling back from Koln to Newcastle <--- what an exhausted journey!

Anyway, again, the trip was so great and I am looking forward to hanging out with them again. Thanks guys! The trip would be much different if u guys were not there! And the credits also go to Lina and Raudhah in Paris to have let us stayed, or in other words, packed ourselves (macam sardin) in your rooms, and even cooked for us! (to syedfa jugak, sebab kalo tak, tak tercontact Lina pon), and to Amiril to be our patient free-charged tour guide, and for all the treats. Thanks.

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Our reunion - Can't believe I am missing my frens already...this is what we call ukhwah rather than fren

Am currently working on my assignment 4; The Family Study Project. Have finished doing the report - 1st draft; with so many things left out and not yet inclusive of reflections...but I already put in 2679 words!! How can they expect us to put EVERYTHING in one small report?? Hmmm...dugaan...InsyaAllah can work through it, and hopefully everything will be fine. Have no idea for the 3rd section yet, coz my study mother is so socially fit and healthy. Sometimes I wonder why do people always go for bad points while we can find out good things? Jangan "suuzzon" (sangke buruk)..hehe, tak kene mengene...So why not I narrate the social construction essay by looking at the positive outcomes?? Hmm...tengokla camne.

Tengah bosan2 n pening2 malas nak sambung buat assignment tadi, found this tongue twister...interesting.

Ned Nott was shot
and Sam Shott was not.
So it is better to be Shott
than Nott.
Some say Nott
was not shot.
But Shott says
he shot Nott.
Either the shot Shott shot at Nott
was not shot,
Nott was shot.
If the shot Shott shot shot Nott,
Nott was shot.
But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott,
then Shott was shot,
not Nott.
the shot Shott shot shot not Shott --
but Nott.

Discussed about qadha and qadar with Aisyah during the trip. the quotes from Aisyah's blog I pasted here before, I think I am beginning to understand more about what she meant. All things has been set for us by God, and we can never change them, no matter what we do. Not even our effort, but we need the effort to get the blessings from Allah, just nak dapat keredhaanNya. Sebab kalau kite tak usaha, the same thing will happen. Hmm...come to this point, I am confused again, ie when considering about studying for exam (any comments?)... But for sure, I am convinced about this one thing: Kita semue tahu Islam akan naik satu hari nanti...insyaAllah. Depend on us nak tergolong dalam golongan yang same2 berusaha menaikkan agama kita, atau tak. Tapi Islam tetap akan naik. Cuma yang ruginya adalah kita kalau taknak terlibat menaikkan agama Allah. So, pilihlah yang mane kite nak...nak tergolong dalam golongan yang rugi atau yang diredhai Allah? Wallahua'lam

[Hmm..too long for an entry =p]

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