Sunday, January 30, 2005


Assalamualaikum, good day to all

Actually taktau pon nak tulis ape. Cume rase cam nak menaip or jot down anything. Tapi, nak taip ape aa?

Skang kat rumah Kak Jua. Lagi2 menyibuk ngan Kak Jua. Hehe...tengah khusyuk die duk bace buku tuh...sure xsedar aku duk menaip blog, cakap pasal die plak tuh. (Jangan marah Kak Jua). Background reading katenye...but, genetics?? No way... I wonder when will I understand how those genius people found out about all the experiment and procedure of getting the... I don't even know wut do I call it. hmmm...probably genetic printing, dna, amplification...or ke? xde kene mengene pon. Toing2..tabik spring aa kat Kak Jua =)

Nak citer pasal ape aa...mule laa nak merepek nih. Hmm..rase nak taip sumthing, tapi xtau nak taip ape( god, how many times have I mentioned that??) Ade jek nih, tapi die xnak kuar. Pelik laa... Aku pon tak paham. Kadang2 memang susah nak paham diri sendiri. Ni kan nak paham orang lain jugak, ye dak? Relevant plak rasenye gune title finding me tuh...

Daripada merepek marilah buat renungan kejap.

Tsunami. There are loads of tsunami pics (can go to kak azila's blog, here)which occured recently on the 26th December 2004, a day after christmas celebration, the day those people believing that Jesus is the son of god celebrate his birthday - annually. Memang Nabi Isa dilahirkan, tapi oleh Maryam (Virign Mary), and he's only the messenger of Allah, bukannye sebagai 'anak tuhan'.

Let's check out the holy Quran. Surah 19: Maryam; verse 88-95.

88. They say: "(Allah) Most Gracious Has begotten a son!"
89. Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
90. As if the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin.
91. That they should invoke a son for (Allah) Most Gracious.
92. For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son.
93. Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but most come to (Allah) Most Gracious as a servant.
94. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all).
95. And every one of them will come to him singly on the day of Judgement.

saje jek tulis dlm english, kot2 laa ade org2 yg berkenaan bace, buleh gak derg pikir. Since aku nih x terer sangat english, letak lam bm jugak. hehe.

88. Dan mereka yang kafir berkata: (Allah) Ar-Rahman, mempunyai anak.
89. Demi sesungguhnya, kamu telah melakukan satu perkara yang besar salahnya!
90. Langit nyaris-nyaris pecah disebabkan (anggapan mereka) yang demikian dan bumi pula nyaris-nyaris terbelah, serta gunung-ganang pun nyaris-nyaris runtuh ranap, -
91. Kerana mereka mendakwa mengatakan: (Allah) Ar-Rahman mempunyai anak.
92. Padahal tiadalah layak bagi (Allah) Ar-Rahman, bahawa Dia mempunyai anak.
93. Tidak ada sesiapapun di langit dan di bumi melainkan dia akan datang kepada (Allah) Ar-Rahman, sebagai hamba.
94. Demi sesungguhnya! Allah telah mengira mereka (dengan pengetahuanNya) serta menghitung mereka satu persatu.
95. Dan mereka masing-masing akan datang mengadapNya pada hari kiamat dengan seorang diri.

Hmm...terfikir, sbb ape tsunami tuh happened on the 26th, boleh ke kaitkan surah maryam tadi tuh... and mungkin sebagai reminder utk kite semue. Wallahualam. Seungguhnya Dia lah yang maha mengetahui segala2nya. Kadang2 tengok gamba tuh, kejap jek sedar. Mase tengok gamba tuh 'Ya Allah...Ya Allah...takutnye'.(Aku la tu...huhu) tapi, takut betulkah kite? dah amal ma'ruf nahi munkar kah kite? ke amal ma'ruf tapi tak nahi munkar pon? atau pon due2 pon x?? Nauzubillah...Ya Allah bantulah hamba mu yang hina, lemah, dan tak berdaya langsung menghadapi dugaan2mu...tapi tetap lupe padaMu selalu terlupe mengingatiMu. Padahal Dielaa yang dah memberi rezeki kat kite. Kadang2 bile nak exam, hilang kejap bende berat kat kepala, mungkin Die nak beri peluang belaja, biar masuk kepale, itu laa jugak salah satu rezeki selain drp mende2 yang nampak eg makan minum, parents, kawan2, pass exam, dapat masuk uni kat uk wlaupon asalnye xdapat offer langsung; dan xnampak spt kesihatan, ketenangan, kehappyan, mase, tenage...tapi selalu ke kite ingat nak bersyukur??Mehlaa kite muhasabah balik diri kite.

Hhuhu...banyak plak cakap. Like I am GOOD enuff to talk about this thing. well, at least that's wut i always said to myself. boleh ke cakap camtuh? Tapi sampai bile? like a sister said to me, SAPE KITE NAK TENTUKAN KITE NI LAYAK KE TAK? yang penting, kite berusehe. Sambil2 betulkan diri jugak. Sebab kalo x sampai bile?? Cube bayangkan kat sekolah, katekanla ade prefect bitau jgn pijak rumput (ade ke?), pastuh kite tgk die kat kantin potong barisan, biasenye laa most probably (or mebbe aku jek) cakap...ala...die pon potong barisan nak suh kite xlanggar peraturan plak. Pijak rumput jek... So same laa cam kite rase ade org buat salah, and we know it's a HUGE mistake(bukan setakat pijak rumput laa). mebbe kite akan rase org akan cakap " aku nih baik jek nak tegur2 orang. aku pon pakaian x betul lagi, quran pon x hafal lagi, stadi pon x dapat distinction...tunggu laa aku elok dulu, baru buleh tegur".

Waa....lege. seronok jugak marah diri sendiri. tension tapi at least, harap sedar kejap. lepas nih marah lagi. hehe.


"Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri maaflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir".

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


You Are 20 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Hehe...xde keje. right guess, don't u think?

Monday, January 24, 2005


Got this from a good friend of mine; Asma' punye blog. Bak kate Asma', insyaAllah boleh membuka minda kita...

Alhamdulillah, sukacita diumumkan penubuhan sebuah laman web terbaru yang khusus untuk menangani aliran Islam Liberal. Aliran Islam Liberal ialah satu aliran atau kefahaman yang sedang menyerang Islam dan umatnya masa kini. Tokoh-tokoh mereka mendapat tempat untuk menulis dalam akhbar-akhbar harian dan ia banyak meyakinkan orang ramai. Kita tidak boleh berdiam diri sahaja. Sebelum ini alhamdulillah Majalah i terbitan Karangkraf telah mengambil inisiatif yang berani untuk membongkar kewujudan aliran ini. Ia kemudian diikuti dengan buku saya "HimpunanRisalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah" yang khusus menghimpunkan risalah serta artikel ilmiah dalam rangka menjawab tulisan-tulisan aliran Islam Liberal, khasnya tulisan Astora Jabat dan Sisters in Islam. Kini kita melangkah setapak lagi ke depan dengan penubuhan sebuah laman web khas. Penubuhan laman web ini adalah penting untuk memudahkan umat Islam membaca artikel-artikel yang menjawab aliran Islam Liberal secara percuma. Lebih dari itu ia juga dapatdirujuk oleh umat Islam di serata dunia. Alamat laman web ini ialah: Sila forwardkan maklumat ini kepada rakan-rakan dan forum yang lain agar sama-sama kita peroleh manfaatnya. wassalam.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Went to rumah Kak Azah n Kak Dila, guided by Kak Ina. After that ended up going to Metrocentre and Asda. Got me a bottle of Galaxy hot chocolate - wanna give it a try, but tasted it already, it can't beat cadbury's. And shopped a lot for home at Asda; well, that was actually the 2nd time going there after 4 months being in Newcastle. And it was snowing when we got back home.

4 months in Newcastle??Wow! I thought it has been years living here. Talk to Asma' and Nadia on the phone earlier in the noon. Had to admit really miss u guys a lot. Miss p48. Miss tengok muvie kat common room same2...To Asma': Movie ape yang ko tengok sampai abes arr?? Hehe..Asma' memang...sure lentok dulu before movie abes. Kalo tengok citer antu, takleh duk sebelah Nadia...hahah...gotta be infected with her screaming. Duk sebelah aku??Haha, nih kalo citer kejar2 abes lebam kene pukul ngan aku. Kui3. Hani gak bese jek. But the best thing we did together was to kaco (or in other word, bully ;P) Hani. Topazians must have known that. Kalo lepas taklim, the 3 of us will glance to each other - the sign to run as fast as u can to the chalet and lock Hani outside!! Hahah... jahat gile. Baru lepas taklim tuh. Huhuhu... Kesian Hani. Alalalala...nome-nome (ayat Asma' kat her bro, Kamil). But that was wut make us even closer. Sure gelak gile2 lepas tuh. Kaki pembuli jugak yer aku nih. Astaghfirullahalazim... bile nak jadi baik nih iffa??Asma'??Nadia?? hahaha...takpela Hani. Merapatkan silaturrhaim tuh namenye. Hehe. Now wishing that I could go to Ireland and meet them. Both four of us together. Bringing back the good moments we've had. I will definitely go to Eire some day, later. Not this year probably - coz Aisyah, Asma' n Hajar had already bought me a ticket to Paris (belikan je laa, still kene bayar balik..hhuhu)- no need to worry. 4 and the half years to go. I've got plenty of time. Definitely will be going there.

Paris? Huhu, duit takde dah. Lepas dah bayar ticket balik Malaysia, I am so broke. Oh no... this reminds me of the JPA letter. Have to post the exam result then only you can get ur february allowance...But the good news is that I heard JPA monthly allowance wil be increased? Not confirmed yet, but that's wut I heard. It better be a real pleasant news.

Gonna start a new term this monday. New term, so hoping for a new change ie. to be more hardworking and consistent with my studies - no more last minute study or assignments. Oh no, talking about assignment, my third assignment would likely be a critical appraisal, mind u, a CRITICAL APPRAISAL again!! (Well, that's from wut I read when I was browsing LSE just now) Not again.... got S S for 2nd assignment which was a relief. But so many people got M M. Wut else can make me feel so inferior? But syukur sangat2,thought I might end up with a B coz by the time I submitted the assignment, I knew nothing about wut I typed in the appraisal and report. Thanks to Spencer, at least he didn't fail me, though he replied to every single thing that I argued (coz I was supposed to critically appraised the journal written by him...and he happened to be my examiner!!)

Alright, better stop here. Gonna get me a drink. Haus gile. Oh ye Asma', aku dah minum susu and makan sayur kat sini. In fact I love to. Can eat vege on its own now. Quite an interesting, drastic change, isn't it? Hehe. Ok dah. Stop.

Friday, January 21, 2005



Just nak wish selamat hari raya aidiladha kat semue. And gonna cut and paste riddles ari tuh. Sebagai renungan kita bersama, insyaAllah...

1. Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ?
2. Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ?
3. Apa yang paling besar di dunia ?
4. Apa yang paling berat di dunia ?
5. Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ?
6. Apa yang paling tajam di dunia ?

Suatu hari, Imam Al Ghozali berkumpul denganmurid-muridnya. Lalu Imam Al Ghozali bertanya....

pertama,"Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di duniaini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab "orang tua,guru,kawan,dan sahabatnya".
Imam Ghazali menjelaskan semua jawapan itu benar.Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah "MATI".Sebab itu sememangnya janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati.

"Tiap-tiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati dan bahawasanya pada hari kiamat sahajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari Neraka dan dimasukkan ke Syurga maka sesungguhnya dia telah berjaya dan (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahannya dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya." (Ali Imran 185)

kedua...."Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid -muridnya menjawab "negara Cina, bulan, mataharidan bintang - bintang".
Lalu Imam Ghazali menjelaskan bahawa semua jawapan yang mereka berikan itu adalah benar. Tapi yang paling jauh adalah "MASA LALU".Walau dengan apa cara sekali pun kita tidak dapat kembali ke masa lalu. Oleh sebab itukita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama.

ketiga...."Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?".Murid-muridnya menjawab "gunung, bumi dan matahari".Semua jawapan itu benar kata Imam Ghazali. Tapi yang paling besar dari yang ada di dunia ini adalah "NAFSU"Maka kita harus berhati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu membawa kita ke neraka.

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk Neraka Jahannam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai." (Al A' Raf 179).

keempat adalah, "Apa yang paling berat didunia ini?".
Ada yang menjawab "besi dan gajah".
Semua jawapan adalah benar, kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling berat adalah "MEMEGANG AMANAH" Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semuatidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka untukmenjadi kalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya menyanggupi permintaan AllahSWT, sehingga banyak dari manusia masuk ke neraka kerana ia tidak dapat memegang amanahnya.

"Sesungguhnya Kami telah kemukakan tanggungjawab amanah (Kami) kepada langit dan bumi serta gunung-ganang (untuk memikulnya), maka mereka enggan memikulnya dan bimbang tidak dapat menyempurnakannya (kerana tidak ada pada mereka persediaan untuk memikulnya) dan (pada ketika itu) manusia (dengan persediaan yang ada padanya) sanggup memikulnya. (Ingatlah) sesungguhnya tabiat kebanyakan manusia adalah suka melakukan kezaliman dan suka pula membuat perkara-perkara yang tidak patut dikerjakan. " (Al Ahzab 72).

Pertanyaan yang kelima adalah, "Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?"
Ada yang menjawab "kapas, angin, debudan daun-daunan".
Semua itu benar kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling ringan di dunia ini adalah "MENINGGALKAN SOLAT".Gara-gara pekerjaan kita meninggalkan solat, gara-gara bermesyuarat kita meninggalkan solat.

Dan pertanyaan keenam adalah, "Apakah yang paling tajam di dunia ini?"Murid-muridnya menjawab denganserentak, "pedang".Benar kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling tajam adalah "LIDAH MANUSIA"Kerana melalui lidah, manusia selalunya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Waaa...lamenye tak tulis blog. Well, now that I've finished my progress 2 examination, bulehlaa meluangkan mase jap tulis blog. Before I go on melalut ntah pape, n before terlupe, let me put the choc cake recipe here. Resipi ni actually dapat from Nini which she got it from Kak Jua...Kak Jua dapat from sape aa??huhu...nanti kene tanye nih. Kirenye nih resipi turun temurun kat Newcastle la kot... hehe. Rajin2 buatla..


250 g marjerin/butter
10 oz gula
3 biji telur
8 oz self raising flour
2 oz koko powder
1 gelas susu
1 tbs esen vanilla
1/2 teaspoon soda bikarbonat + baking powder

Beat butter + gula sampai kembang (is this the rite word?), tambah telur one by one. Masuk tepung selang seli ngan susu beransur2. Then + koko powder + other cake essentials. Oven 180c about 1 hr.

Bile dah sejuk letak laa cooking choc...kalo nak choc gile laa. That's all. Dah try hulur2 laa sket...hehe =P

Hmm...exam camne?? Isk isk isk. Taktau laa nak respond camne. For me it was sooooo difficult. Especially the EMI one. I wonder why in the study skills booklet (or is it in a different title??) never mind...but why is it in that book, they said ' if u're not sure about how deep u have to know about certain topics, check in the study guides. Which I assumed the questions will never be beyond what were stated in the study guides... but, some of the q in EMI paper yesterday suggested to me that my thought was all wrong. I really need to know more. Which means more reading to do. So need to be more hardworking, iffa!!! Huhuh...nak marah kat diri sendiri pon bende dah lepas...tapi tu laa..even the very simple questions about blood pressure and haemorrhage- which I've done the revision, but still I couldn't answer them when they comes out with so many confusing answers. Damn it. OSCPE and DiT were hard too. Now that I've sit for the OSCPE, I've learned how short 2 minutes were. And I couldn't imagine how gelabah I was when I was doing the CPR. And now I know how much I hate embryology. Waaaa...tak suke2. Pengajarannye: Belajarlaa bersungguh dari sekarang untuk progress 3 nanti coz that's wut will dtermine whether I am able to continue my 2nd year or not. Provisional timetable dah kuar, so I guess it won't be that far away from now though 4months would be like a long time to go. It's not. With all the family study projects, assignments, easter holidays, lectures, my daily life... I mean, so suddenly I'll be in the nervous exam mode again. Hate that! Anyway, just wanna express my thanks here to Ija, Nini, Iris, Ngocop, Tuan, Syedfa, Pok Nik and who ever involved in my revision for the exam. Thanks!!

But after the exam, will be going back to Malaysia. Well, that's the best part of it. Have booked the ticket on the 15th of June. Wish I could go back earlier and celebrate me birthday there. Thanking my mom to have been giving birth to me. It's pretty good to learn all these stuff about pregnant mum and childbearing. It makes me know how hard is it for a woman to give birth to a child. Watched a video of 2 women giving birth long time ago in my lecture. One was the water birth and another was active birth. Watching them giving birth makes me feel the pain inside it. It will definitely be much more painful to give birth itself. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul, ye dak? Since that day, every time I meet or see a pregnant mum or any mum with a child or a baby, I would feel so proud of them. Thinking how brave they are (or were). I couldn't imagine to be as brave as them some day. But it's a natural desire inside women to have their own child, isn't it? But still can't imagine how hard is it. Desire vs pain. Hmm... even in Islam, 2nd most painful thing for a humanbeing is giving birth (death comes as the first one, of course). No wonder a mum would to anything for her children. Most of the time. Jadi, marilah kita same2 jadi anak yang soleh/solehah lepas ni. Sesungguhnya syurga itu di bwah telapak kaki ibu.

Hmm...going out in a short time, so better end my entry here. Wassalam.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Hehe...akhirnye dapat jugak tengok snow. Live. Before nih tengok dalam tv jek. Tapi malasnye nak kuar. Tunggu jalan dah putih dulu laa baru kuar amik gamba. Heh. Jakun gile. Biar ape orang nak kate...first time maa. Jakun tak jakun. Haha...ape aku merepek nih.

Sebenarnye tension duh...dengan exam lagi. Lagi seminggu and I have another 4 cases to revise( 5 including what I was doing just now). Sempat ke??

Yesterday, I went to anatomy lab to do the revision. Then, all my handouts that I brought there dah bau cadaver. huhuuh... pastuh balik tuh, ngadap kom kejap and dah taip entry for 5 Jan. All of the sudden internet tibe2 dc. ilang semue yang aku taip. Huhu, ari tuh tulis resipi chocolate and cheese cakes... malasnye nak taip balik. letak gamba je laa...(gamba from camera Iris)Actually buat chocolate cake nih to bring it to malsoc new year dinner.

Cheese cake tuh plak saje je try buat. Got the latter recipe from Makcik Putri kat Manchester. Maybe I can just copy and paste the recipe from my emel. Here u go:

Blueberry Cheesecake

7 oz digestive biscuits (dihancurkan)
3 oz butter (dicairkan)
Gaulkan bhn2 di atas utk base cheesecake, masukkan dlm springfoam 9 inch. Masukkan dlm fridge = 20 min

200g x 3 Philadelphia cream cheese
1 cup castor sugar
3 biji telur
2 tsp esen vanilla
1/4 tsp almond essence
1 tub kecil sour cream

Beat cream cheese + gula + telur + esen vanilla + esen almond + sour cream. Tuang dlm acuan tadi. Masak dlm oven 180 C selama 1 jam. Biar dlm oven sampai sejuk tapi biar pintu oven terbuka. Bila dah sejuk, tuang blueberry filling* ke atas cheese.

We used other brand of cream cheese, and yogurt instead of sour cream. Tak letak almond essence. And tak buat filling pon. All due to the not being able to find the ingredients at netto. hehe, malas dah nak gi kedai lain cari. But it turned out fine though. So if u have free time....try laa. Gune the original recipe from Makcik Putri sure lagi sedap.

ok iffa...pegi sambung stadi skang!!!

*rindunye cheese cake Puan Raha

Monday, January 03, 2005


After 10 days being out of town, far far away from Newcastle.... Now I'm back in my hometown!! A lot to tell, but don't think I wanna get too attached to this computer and bloggie things since I've got loads of facts and medical thingy to read and memorise for the coming examinations. So just giving up a little of my time for a simple, straightforward ones.

22 - 23.12.2005
Headed to London. Stayed with Kak Sha(kakak Ija) at Whitechapel. This was my first time visiting London. Planned to buy a mobile there coz I heard there are various greater deals there (actually, it's not!!) but didn't bring the necessary things needed e.g. bank statement. Hehe, nampak gayenye still orang ulu laa aku nih arfa!! Makan ayam percik kat Malaysian Hall, and then went to ASDA and bought soooo many chocolates. yum yum.

24 - 28.12.2005
Went to Southampton. Awal2nye plan tido kat bilik Arfa, but I turned up staying in Yatie's room at Romero(btul ke name nih??) since bilik Yatie is within the walking distance to the city centre. No public transport on the christmas day, so stayed at Yatie's for the whole day, re-watching the movies, as I've mentioned in the earlier post. On the 26th, some shops had started their boxing sale. Spent some money for that very first day of boxing day...

kat titanic nye tugu at soton

and spent a lot at Portsmouth Designer Outlet store on the next day. Very rambang mata pegi sane tengok sale sane sini. Huhuh...dasatnye, padahal on the same day, so many people in Asia (including in some regions in Malaysia) were suffering from the disaster called the tsunami. Guess everybody have known that. Can visit Tun's and Kak Azila's web and read what they wrote about the disaster sebagai teladan untuk kita semue.

at Portsmouth

Went back to Whitechapel on the 28th. There was this auntie(or grandma perhaps) had this accident in the toilet. She hit sumthing, I guess. Not very sure either, but heard that she was bleeding. And the bus driver was very generous. He called an ambulance (I only wake up from my tiring sleep at this moment) even though the lady kept telling him that she was fine and she wasn't bleeding anymore. I don't mind if I reached London a bit later than expected. Those who were catching flights at Heathrow Airport must have been a little bit worried, I supposed. (the bus was heading to heathrow first before going to London Victoria Station). Driver tuh pon cepat2 tanye kalo2 ade orang yang flight die dekat sangat dah, bimbang kot2 terlepas. And he kept convincing those people that they were not going to miss their flights. Bagus betul bus driver tuh, holding tight to the policy and making sure everything was fine with everybody especially with that old lady. And the ambulance was very fast too. (I think it was in the middle of highway). A good cooperation here. Harap2 if the same case happened in Malaysia, the same action would have been taken.

29 - 30.12.2005
In London again. Went shopping (again) at oxford street (more to window shopping this time), and then visited Madame Tussaud together with Ija's friends, previously from KMB - Uya, Mar, Sharot (betul ke eja nih??). Jumpe laa patung2 yang mirip artis2 hollywood and tokoh 2 terkenal, and bollywood -aishwarya je. Hmm... incredible hulk ngan superman pon ade. Memang Tom Cruise besar tuh je ke?? I thought he's taller and bigger than that!! Met Layen, Yatie, and Arfa there, coz all of us bought the after 3pm tickets - it's cheaper!! Thanks to Layen for informing us the cheap online ticket which was 8 pound less than the usual price.

The next day, went to Westminster, Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace. Got the chance to witness the guards marching from the national guard museum to the palace. Sooooo many people i.e. tourists (including me n ija of coz). Lepas tuh, berlagak jadi orang kaya jap...hehe...pegi Harrods. This time it was totally intended for a window shopping only. shopping....?? gile maaa. There was this coat costs £5500. Even u say it in RM, I won't be able to afford it. Kalo 7.3 times 5500 equals approximately RM 40000. Baik beli kelisa daripada beli satu kot tuh. huhuuh.... only spent £1.60 at Harrods to buy doughnuts at Crispy Creme. At least boleh dapat free satu mase tengah beratur. Penjimatan yang amat...hehe. Pastuh siap boleh pegi melawat toilet. hehe. luxury lady washroom laa katekan. Memang luxury pon. Siap letak 3 jenis branded perfume and lotion lagi. Free. Tapi gune kat situ je la kan. Taktau laa kalo ade yang amik bawak balik kat umah. Once we got out from Harrods, Uya notice die nye purse takde, so we went back to Harrods and tried to look for it. Tak jumpe!! Uya and I went to the lost properties department, pon xjumpe. then all 5 of us headed to police station to report the lost wallet. The lady in the lost properties room told us that Uya might have been pick-pocketed during the only 5 minutes outside the Harrods. So, korang2 yang nak jalan2 kat Harrods, be careful with ur wallets!! Harap2 Uya dapat laa balik purse tuh. Although there was only £5, but she lost her room key as well!!

Finally, I departed to Newcastle at 4.45 p.m. and reached here approximately 11.00p.m. Earlier than the expected time which was so good coz I was already tired sitting and trying to sleep in the bus.

The trip was very nice and pleasant but it feels good to come back home after a long journey. Thanks to Kak Sha, Yatie, Arfa, Azrin, Layen, Nurul, and last but not least Ija of course for making it a valueable trip. Thanks to Kak Wan and Kak Nadia yang amik dan masak untuk kitorg mase mule2 sampai Soton.

Phew...panjang plak tulis. Ingatkan nak buat pendek je. Anyway, happy new year to everyone. And pray for my success in this coming exam from 14-18 jan. Better get going with the anatomy and physiology books now!!