Thursday, April 28, 2005



Would like to respond to Aisyah's latest entry. She is absolutely right. Islam is the way of life. All the rules underline the human nature. Actually I always felt the same way as she did. Sad with my own weakness of not being able to explain to the non-muslims about how Islam deal with those kind of 'social' problems.

There was one day when I had a seminar, discussing about breaching confidentiality. We were given a case about a woman with HIV. One of the Q was 'is telling the public about how HIV can be transmitted through the heterosexual relationship good enough so that people become aware of the health condition of their partners before having sexual intercourse?'(considering the confidentiality issue coz a doc can't directly say "this woman got HIV"). One of my groupmates looked vastly into this Q, and found it hard because so many people will be involved, not only her partners, but the partners of her partners, and then her partners' partners' partners' (heh, buleh ke camni?), then so on... Good. That is why Islam does not permit sex before marriage. Say a married woman is infected, then the only person to be worried of would be her husband. No need to worry about the public. Easy. As simple as that.

There was another day, very recent one - guess it was a week ago....when we were having a seminar about handling sensitive issues. One case was about a lesbian couple, one of them would like to have a child. And the question was what options does she have? As usual...I became so damn quiet during the discussion with smaller group. And obviously much more quiet when I was grouped in with 3 guys discussing about that sensitive issues. Looking for the answer...sperm donation, IVF probably and....this one guy answered 'men'! God why didn't I think of that? But he was absolutely right. That woman in the case should really go back to the human nature and that is the best solution. Why must think of harder options when there is a straight simple solution?

Dah datang tempat orang nih, banyak benda yang bukak mata kita. Banyak benda yang belajar. I think I will never know how to cook nasi lemak if I don't come here. I might never feel how lucky I am to be born as a muslim.


Hehe...silly me. I was walking home from Royal Mail at South Street just now, and suddenly I chose the road I never used before. Thought it might be shorter, but believe's not. I walked extra 30 minutes than I supposed to (if I use the normal path). One hour walking and I am so damn tired. Mase tengah jalan2 tadi tuh terfikir, kadang2 kita nih ade jalan senang nak jugak gune jalan susah. Bagus sebenarnye nak tahu jalan baru tapi, biarlah kene. Ini dah tahu takde mase, lepas tuh nak pegi Netto, nak stadi, kalo sesat penat... nak jugak ikut jalan susah yang taktau hujungnya macammane. Tapi tujuan same, nak sampai kat rumah. Applicable tak kalo letak dalam hidup kite orang Islam. Islam dah kasi kite jalan senang, Islam as the way of life. Yang sedih kadang2 kite tak sedar kite gune jalan yang susah, yang jauh, yang tak tahu pangkalnye buleh sampai ke tak ke syurga. Padahal kalo tanye semue muslims, everybody else indeed, semue nak masuk syurga. Heh, membebel...takpe, peringatan untuk semue, especially yang tukang menulis nih laa...

Anyway, sampai rumah tadi, penat. Makan nasi lemak, pastuh melantak aiskrim ngan roti...nyum2...dah abes...pastuh alhamdulillah kenyang perut, penat kaki, kalo naik bilik nampak katil, for sure rase nak tido. Which is why I am sitting in front of this computer and started playing my fingers on this keyboard a few minutes ago.

And so, here it ends. Dah masuk Asar, at least I manage not to sleep and wait for Asar. And hopefully I shared a nice thing with you guys.

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