Sunday, March 27, 2005


Am waiting for Kak Umi and her husband, and their cute little lad, Huzaifah Aiman. It is Sunday, and they are going to give me and Dila(my housemate) a lift to Blaydon Carboot sale. This is going to be my 2nd time going to carboot.

Today is my mom's birthday, and I haven't yet give her a call. Don't think she'll be at home at this time. Well, have to remember of deducting less hour to call Malaysia from today coz the Europian summer time has begun, so now the time here will be 7 hours later than that in Malaysia, instead of 8 hours.

I won't say anything about gifts or wutsoever I am sending to my mom, briefly coz I am not sending her anything. Yes, that's rite. I remember one controversial issue arose when I was in college about ringing ur mum during the mother's day (tapi x ingat apesal laa kontroversi sangat). For me, it depends on how your mum expect you to do something on days that they regard as special. Say your mum would be heartbroken if you do not give them gift, then it would be better to do what she prefers, rite? But some mothers do not bother that much about their children getting them gifts, a call would be enough, and perhaps some mothers do not even realise the existence of those special days (only one that I can relate here, actually - mother's day). Ask yourselves and you will get the answer. I mean, we know our own mother don't we? I hav a friend whose siblings (including her) always give their mother presents or cards (at least) during the mother's day, so it will be kinda weird if they stop doing that. Who knows how her mum is gonna react if she or one of her siblings does not give her present. The most important point here is to be nice to our mum, to please them. As for me, sometimes I just happened to bought my mum things, and I got this sentence from her "dakyoh laa susoh2 beli barang....mahal pulok tuh. Perabih duit je". Alaa...kalo xabeskan duit beli barang untuk mak, habis jugak duit tuh beli benda merepek2, ye dak? (so baik beli sumthing utk mak). Although she said that, I could see the sense of being appreciated in her face when we(me or my sis) gave her presents, no matter how kodi they are...

Hehe...just back from carboot. Tadi stop kejap sebab Kak Umi dah sampai. Now I have no idea what I was getting to before. I have also just called my beloved mama, and we spent more time talking about some news back in Malaysia and my trip to Paris in the next 2 days. And as usual, she asked me about my studies. I always expect that everytime I call her =). Talking about mothers... they are so special. Islam pon dah naikkan martabat wanita yang bergelar ibu. "Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu".

Penat mak kita mengandungkan kita, pastuh mase baby asyik nangis sampai laa besar suke merengek nak itu, nak ini, tapi mak jage jugak dengan penuh kasih sayang. Kalo mak tak bagi kita buat ape2 sebab die sayang kat kita, kita cakap mak tak sayang pulak. Hantar sekolah, masak nasi, beri makan, semue mak yang buat...susahnye anak nak tolong mak. Kadang2 mak mintak tolong buat keje sket pon merengek. Isk3...astaghfirullahal'azim, mudah2 an kita elakkan laa mende2 camnih. Tak cukup tuh, bile dah besar, nanti nak kahwin, manelaa tau mak tak berkenan calon isteri yang dibawak balik rumah, tapi nak bagi chance kat anak, jumpe dulu. Tengok baik ke tak. Bukan ape, takut nanti tak pandai jalankan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri solehah. Kalo before kahwin suh pakai tudung, cakap nak pakai lepas kahwin. Sebenarnya, bukannya pandang hina sangat kalo x pakai tudung nih, tapi itukan suruhan Allah. Lagi satu bukannye tau mati lepas kahwin ke before. Bimbang jugak lepas kahwin nanti degil plak, takpasal2 anak die plak kene tanggung dosa si isteri. Isk3...kene fikir lagi, nak bagi ke taknak. Ari tuh sibuk tanye bile anak nak kahwin, skang anak dah bawa balik calon, tak kenan la plak. Nanti tak bagi kahwin, kot2 laa lagi memudaratkan. Berdoa je laa mudah2an tuhan tunjukkan jalan yang terbaik. Sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui mana yang terbaik untuk hamba-Nya.

Huhu...tibe2 buat karangan plak. Takde keje. Tapi tulaa...pengajarannya: Marilah kita same2 sedar setiap saat betapa sayangnya mak kita kat kita. Nak balas jasa derg memang tak mampu, sekurang2nya janganla bebankan derg lagi (alamak, lepas nih, nak mintak beli laptop...camne nih? Tak beban kot ek <---inilaa anak...tak habes2 mintak itu ini). Cukuplaa masuk labour room takpon, tengok dalam tv je of a mother giving birth to her baby...MasyaAllah, besarnye pengorbanan mak. Teringat satu kisah (tak ingat zaman mane), yang ade sorang budak mendukung bapak die. Lepas tuh ade orang tanye kenapa dukung bapak die. Budak tuh cakap sebab mase kecik, die sakit, bapak die gendong die cari ubat. Ke camne ntah...lebey kurang arr... Tapi budak tuh cakap jugak, walaupon buat same cam ape yang bapak die buat, die still tak buleh balas jase bapak die, sebab kalo bapak die dulu sure harap die slalu sihat, tapi dalam hati si anak mesti ade rase terbeban dengan kehadiran ayah yang sakit uzur dan perlukan bantuan. Mehlaa kite same2 sedar pasni.

Actually, tengah nervous nak pegi Paris lusa. Better get ready, packing up things, and make sure all tickets and important documents and wutsoever tak tertinggal. Bus to london will be at 6.15 a.m. (hhuuhu, awalnye) on Tuesday. Adrenaline is rushing through my nerves... Can't wait to see my good frens and spend the holidays with em. Hopefully, everything will be fine. Hopefully, everything will turn out as wut we planned. Ameen...

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