Friday, March 25, 2005


Had a chat with a junior from my secondary school a few nights ago (though I never met him before). in history. One, coz I am not there anymore. Two, coz the new name is SMKAKA. No more KARA. MISS my frens, dormates, classmates, teachers, and the school itself... I have had an enjoyable and fun time there.

Rite now reflecting those times when I was in SMKARA... Why didn't I use it wisely to learn more about Islam? About history? Having been in a SMKA ie islamic school should have given me the most valuable things to learn: ISLAM - if only I have grabbed all those oppurtunities, but sad to say, I don't think I did. All I did was studying, answering ppl questions, sitting for some 'duniawi' tests, dipping myself with quizzes, having fun with my frens (or more particular 'geng'), enjoying trips to there and there, boycotting the canteen - although I can't help getting me goreng pisang yang sedap bangat tuh especially kalo tambah sos, and nasi lemak was irresistable as well (wut an unforgettable memory ever) and...etc. I am not regretting those times, it was fun...but wouldn't it be more nice if I concentrate more on my islamic knowledge, not only based on the syllabus, but based on wut we as muslims should know.

If only I could repeat all those times...but the fact is I can't. All I have now is my present life which I have to move on with, and my future, yet to be determined. And for reminder, especially to me myself, we are all here for one reason. Check the holy Quran [51;56]

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me

A bit of quote from my fren's blog which is very meaningful: "Apa pun kita usaha, segala ape yg berlaku atas kita dah ditentukan Allah. Kita berusaha sedaya upaya hanya kerana ingin melakukan ibadah yg terbaik dalam ibadah kita. Tanpa mengharapkan apa2 dr usaha yg kita lakukan. Itulah ibadah yg sebenar2nya.." (from wan aisyah wan muda <--kene tulis satgi jadi plagiarism plak, hehe).

So why not we do everything lillahita'ala...whoever we are, where ever we go, and wutever we do... at least all things we do will be regarded as ibadah, selagi tak langgar hukum syarak. Wallahualam.

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