Monday, October 25, 2010


Today marks the two weeks of life at casualty. And some previous friendly M.O.s who saw me there today still thought I was there to see surgical cases. No, they are totally wrong.

I am going to officially work, starting tomorrow, a.m. shift at RED zone. First day in charge and already in red. Great. Preferrable than green still. Expectable cases - those with poor GCS or any candidates for intubation, those with chest pain, severe asthma or COPD exacerbations, severe trauma etc. Basically red is for severe cases needing very urgent and prompt treatment, yellow is semi-critical i.e. for those who are not as severe, but not as stable and green is for stable patients. So red for tomorrow. More things to learn, most likely typical cases, easier to discuss with M.O.s. Sounds daunting, but I think I like red. Or maybe I should be careful with my sayings coz tomorrow I might not like it at all.

I managed to intubate a patient today, but the one thing that made my day was that I managed to insert a short line CVP via internal jugular vein on the first attempt, under ultrasound guidance of course. It was my second try after the failed attempt on my first day tagging, remember? Lucky try today more than anything, but thanks to friends who were helping with the equipments. I love teamwork. More precisely, I love teamwork with people I can work with.

Anyhow, I bravely asked for an early leave from the nice M.O. so instead of still being at the hospital at this moment, probably glancing surreptitiously at the watch, hoping that 10.30pm will arrive soon enough - here I am, my fingers dancing on the keyboard, writing an entry to the blog. I left around 720pm after completed my Maghrib prayer. What a great day. Only later to realise how unlucky I am because the department will be having an ACLS course tomorrow, and apparently all the taggers are attending the 'what sound to be useful' course. Since I am already off tag tomorrow, I won't be able to join them, how unfortunate. I just thought I still need to work up on my very basic knowledge on life support, especially when it has something to do with ECG. Medical posting seems so long ago that all the details are no longer well stored in the brain.

So tomorrow it is. First day in charge. Morning shift. Red zone. Double shift the next day, then night off, something to look forward to. Hoping that everything will go well. Hoping to be given strength and good state of mind.

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