Sunday, December 26, 2004


Skang kat bilik Yatie kat Soton :) Sampai last night. Ade akak sr kat sini jemput, pastuh pegi makan kat umah postgrad, then jumpe laa budak2 baru balik from eire kat sane.

Ari ni kedai tutup, public transport xde, so tak pegi mane2. Habiskan mase tengok movies ("re-watched" actually, coz I've wathced them before), makan, plus tengok happy tree friends which was one of me and my chaletmates routine in KMYS (I believe most of KMYSians as well ;P)

Esok nak gi jalan2 soton nye city centre, then the next day gonna spend my first boxing day at portsmouth. And malam nih probably finish another movie, again ;D

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