Sunday, November 21, 2010


I was planning for at least a decent day off during the 'week off' for raya haji, but due to shortage of H.O. that was not made possible. But my wish was finally granted, after I got this horrible self diagnosed AGE (acute gastroenteritis).

I actually went to hospital for my morning shift on Friday, only to find out that I was too dizzy to stand up (I even get my brother to send me to the hospital), probably due to the loss of fluid via vomiting and diarrhoea. I hesitated before decided to finally take the two days of MC that the Big Boss offered me. My hydration was actually fair (a very bias judgement I have to say, as I was assessing myself), so I refused IV drip in the first place, but after two bouts of vomiting I succumbed to the correct decision of having a cannula inside my vein - and it did feel painful when the Hartmann solution ran through the small pink cannula into my left radial vein (is there?) to compensate for my loss.

Diarrhoea became worse when I got home that I literally did nothing just because I was incapable of doing things or to think, because I was too tired and dizzy running from bed to toilet, and vice versa. The next morning I woke up, pulse rate was still tachycardic, but I was feeling much better - then only I could think up straight - I was probably already in second stage of hypovolaemic shock. I called my friend, and let her brought me in anohter couple of IV drips. Today I feel much better, and ready for works, and surely in a much more empathic mode.

*Left - modified IV drip stand at home; Right - adik Aqil my doctor*

The Big Boss asked me why did I refuse admission, which I didn't because on Friday morning there was exactly no indication for admission (Friday night's condition was a good enough inditation though) - but so true, the worse patients to serve are the staff, simply because we know how it works.

I might as well sign an A.O.R anyway should I require admission, why should I be warded when the rest of the family is at home? Still the granted two days off at home was not that meaningful because all I did was sleeping and sleeping, all day long. And I miss a day out with friends who came around from Kelantan, as well as a friend's wedding. The least bit that made it worth it was that I managed to read almost five chapters of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows after feeling a bit better, after completing those IVD and tolerating orally.

The sad thing is, I am left with only 6 days off for another 3months in this posting, and that is only if it is permitted. Yes, for us H.O, MC is deducted. Counted in. Exactly why we bother so much about getting ones. Explains the reason why we still work despite having a one week suffering of unresolved fever, seeing those who came with a few hours fever without taking antipyretics.

The good thing is, now it reminds me how bad an IV line could torture your nerves, I will try to be more empathy as I used to once upon a time when I was a medical student.

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