Friday, December 11, 2009


M.O. : Did you know what happened with .... (something about the current news which I can barely remember)
Me : What?
M.O : Ooo I forgot. H.O. doesn't really have time to follow news
Me : *sigh*

I'd normally do not read news anyway. I usually prefer to watch the news. I read only news that does not come out on telly e.g. what says PAS/PKR or whatever non goverment party re some issues.

But since being a houseman, I rarely watch the news, let alone reading any. I always do turn my laptop on when I come back home, but most of the time ended up in the bed, falling asleep unplanned. I think I slept too much already, but my body is still aching, I have no idea what the causes would have been.

And lately I have this weird thing at the end of my meals - strong smell of liquor always stopped me from eating further. Lucky it always happened at the end of meals, or else I would have lost lots of weight already! I guess too much of ARM (artificial rupture of membrane) already! Weird, as I left labour room for 2 weeks now, and never had that problems when I was in charge before.

Anyway, today marks 2 months of my working life in O & G department. Things have been going better than before - I believe I have learned loads of stuff especially the practical ones, but I long for more teaching as I know there are lots and lots of things I still need to know. Especially thinking that I might be sent off to anywhere; where I might need to decide on everything and will not have M.O.s/specialists to consult - trust me there are loadssss of stuff beyond my shallow knowledge I am holding on to. The first viva is soon expected, and I can confidently say i am not yet ready for it.

And I still hate making decisions, being h.o. sometimes you have no idea when to decide by yourself and when to consult if something is so obscured but I guess that is just the simple rule of being a houseman. Every week we are being audited for mistakes we have done(which I believe in some cases, h.o. should not be blamed at all), but I do like being there when the audit was done as we learn so much from mistakes. (but despite saying this, I hope I will never be the one being audited *sigh* God I just hope this wont jinx)

So that is 2 months of working life - I still have not taken any leaves yet (I gave up the last time I tried to apply one). Please pray I will get some at the end of this year as I really badly need some holidays.

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